Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Evaluation of term3

Term 3 was very different compared to the first two terms. We done the set book
Cry, Our Beloved Country. It thought us a lot of our countries history and Apartheid. We visited locations in order to build a model of one and to do a PowerPoint presentation. The visit was very educational, made us appreciate our luxuries life’s, and that we should thank Allah(God) for all he has given us.

Evaluation of childs book

As assignment we had to write a book related to Cry, Our Beloved Country and include the Vaal Hearings and the TRC. The book would be given to younger grades so that they would be aware of the old South Africa and Apartheid. It showed me the skills you require to write a book and it should be taken for granted.

Evaluationn of film study

In this term, term 4, we are doing film study. I find much more exciting compared to reading books. It really amazing to know how a movie is made. We learn the different the angles the shoot a scene at and why do they do so, and how much technique it requires. We chose the movie Kingdom of Heaven which also teaches us about history.